Our society is pretty messed up for a variety of reasons, and I think everyone understands that. It has been promoting and demoting all sorts of things over the decades, but one of the biggest ones is body image. And to clear this up, the trends have gone both ways. For example, in the Victorian era, everyone wanted to be curvier because it showed that one was rich enough to eat a good amount. In the early 1900s, it was popular to be extra curvy by pulling in the waist with a corset. The 1920s started the flapper trend with very thin girls. From the 1930s leading up to the 1950s, curvy was the most desired again. In the 1960s and 1970s, it became popular to be very thin, and models in a size zero were all the rage. My point is that society has marketed off both kinds of bodies, so neither size should be able to be more upset than the other.
Bottom line - everyone is different. There is absolutely no one that has the exact same body as you do, and that's so important to understand. There is nothing wrong with wearing a size 20 or a size 0. Everyone was born with a different frame, and that is 100% okay.
As a whole, I think everyone is trying to move in the right direction for self acceptance no matter your size, but it's being done in the wrong way. Both sides are slamming the other, saying that their size is better at the expensive of the other body type. That is so wrong and backwards.
If the people around us aren't doing it enough, celebrities have been talking about it too in their songs and in interviews. Some of them are doing an amazing job to help the situation, but some are only making things worse. Especially when those in Hollywood start telling us that one size is better than the other, it adds to a greater problem that touches so many people every day: eating disorders. These mental illnesses are only entering more people's lives because we haven't learned to support one another. Everyone should feel support, especially those fighting these illnesses. Personally, I know plenty of people who have had them, and they need to feel safe and supported, not attacked by the media.
This all has to stop.
Instead of only promoting one side, why can't we promote both? Why can't we all say that the curvy girls are just as pretty as the thin girls, and the thin girls are just as pretty as the curvy ones?
Every body type is amazing and unique in its own way. The important part is to make sure that no matter your size, you are living a healthy life. One where you eat enough, but not too much. One where both sides can look in the mirror and feel great about themselves because they are healthy. Size does not and should not matter. If someone is not going to accept you for being thin or being curvy, that is their problem, not yours. They're missing out on someone special in their own way, so don't change for someone else whether it's a boyfriend, a girlfriend, or a celebrity.
Stop reading what's on the scale and trying to get down to a lower or higher number, and start looking at yourself and saying, "I am well taken care of and healthy," because that's the part that matters. Be confident in your size, no matter what that is. Size is just a number we use to buy clothes in a shop, it is not a representation of good or bad, wrong or right. Smile and be happy with who you are, I promise you're perfect as is.
I hope this helps someone feel better and confident in their own skin. Thanks for reading and have an amazing week!
Elegance is the only beauty that never fades.
-Audrey Hepburn
Love Always,
Bree x