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Saturday, April 11, 2015

Spring Cleaning

If I told a group of people they needed outfits to go out in right now, I would bet the majority of them would respond with the same answer: I have nothing to wear.

It's quite a popular expression, and I'm guilty of using it as well, but ironically, if we look in our closets, there are plenty of clothes to last us about month without repeating anything.  So if we have so many clothes, why aren't we wearing them? There's plenty of answers, but they all lead to one basic fact: we don't like what we're wearing.  Sure, at one time, that may have been your favorite top, but it's not now. 

So what's the solution? Spring Cleaning! 

To many people, that concept is very overwhelming.  They aren't sure where to start and how to go about it.  But as a spring-cleaner who does this twice a year every year (yes, I'm that crazy), I'm going to help you clean out your closet the best way possible. 

The first thing you need to do is take everything out of your closet, drawers, etc, and put it all in one big pile.  Now, it is important not to get anxious about all the work you think you need to do, or you will stress yourself out and end up not doing the best job you could have. You're going to make 4 piles:
     1. Keeping
     2. Selling
     3. Giving Away
     4. Throwing away

The piles are pretty self-explanatory, but I'll break them down anyways. The keeping pile is everything you are hanging back up and going to wear or something that you are planning on tailoring. It also includes keepsakes, which could be a piece of clothing that is very special to you like your mother's sweater, you're favorite dress when you were younger, etc. The selling pile are things you know you could sell at a thrift store or on eBay. These will be special articles of clothing or something that is currently in style that someone will want. The giving away pile is all the clothes you plan to donate because it's maybe not the most trendy, but definitely still useable to someone who needs it. The throwing away pile consists of clothes there's no way could be kept, sold, or given away. This pile will probably be your smallest, but for those old jeans so worn out and ripped from years of wear, it's a nessisary   pile. 

Next, if there are clothes you know don't fit, get rid of them. If it doesn't fit now, it probably won't later unless you plan on tailoring it, and letting it sit there is just going to make you upset because you can't wear it. Even if it will fit someday (like if you plan to lose weight), it's very likely that it won't be in style anymore anyways. If you don't know if something fits you, try it on. If it's baggy or too tight, get rid of it. 

The next step is the hardest, but consists of you asking yourself one simple question: Does it make you feel confident? You may like something, it may be pretty, but if you're not reaching for it, it's probably because you know it doesn't look great on you. Maybe it's the wrong shape for your body or the wrong color for your complexion. Whatever the reason is, you are beautiful, and it's important that you feel that way in every piece of clothing you own! If you don't 100% love it, get rid of it!

Have you worn it in the last year? That's the next question to answer. If you haven't, you're not going to this year, I promise. Do. Not. Keep. It.

After you've gone through all those clothes and made your piles, bag the Selling, Giving Away, and Throwing away piles clearly labeled so you don't confuse yourself. The keepsakes should all go in a storage box. You can always open back up the box, but don't put it in your closet where all your current clothes should be. 

You can skip this step if you want, but I've found it helped me, so I'm going to share it: Buy felt hangers. They're amazing! You never have to worry about things falling off and getting all wrinkled, and your closet always looks really uniform (that's the inner OCD coming out)! Plus when you're putting all these clothes back in your closet, they make it much easier. 

You're done! It's a great feeling isn't it? Just think, you now have room for new clothes that you do love and will wear. The selling pile will help replenish your pocket, but in case you want tips on keeping a closet you love without spending loads of money buying clothes you don't actually like, here's a link to my article on my past column, "Avoid Spending too Much Money on Shopping":

Hopefully, that made spring cleaning a little easier for you so you can have the best closet possible. Enjoy your week!

Love Always,
Bree x


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