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Sunday, May 17, 2015

My Makeup Tricks

Makeup is expensive.  And if you are someone like me that buys and uses it regularly, you want to stretch those dollars as much as possible. 

For me, there are two things that annoy me most:
1. When my mascara dries out
2. When I drop a compact (whether it be powder, eyeshadow, bronzer, etc) and find that what's in it has all crumbled into tiny pieces

At one time, I didn't know that there was a way to fix these problems to make the products last longer, but after a lot of searching, I found some short-term solutions that have made my life 1000x easier.

You're putting on your mascara only to find that it's not coating your lashes well at all and they're clumping together so that it looks like you have about 10 lashes on each eye. Lovely, right? It's the cutest look (kidding)! So what do you do? Well, if you have a new tube handy, then you'd probably just open the new one.  But normally, I don't have a new tube handy, so I have a trick that saves the day every time.

My secret: eye drops. You used to just put them in your eye to help the moisture stay in and make them less itchy and red. That's not all it's good for. If your mascara is dry and clumpy, put about 6 drops in the tube and pump wand a few times. Good as new! 

The other most annoying thing is when you drop that lovely new eyeshadow you just bought or that bronzer you swear by, and open it up to see it has broken into a million pieces.  I used to just try to deal with it and use all the little pieces, but that was quite a pain since the pieces would usually spill out and get all over everything.  

Now, this trick I have to thank Lauren Conrad for because if it weren't for her blog post a while back, I would still be trying to use those tiny little pieces and ruining all sorts of clothes with a rainbow of broken eyeshadows. What she does is take rubbing alcohol and put it in a small spray bottle. Then, she pushes all the tiny pieces together in the compact and sprays it very thoroughly with the alcohol so that it's soaked. Next, she wraps a coin in a tissue and presses it hard on the eyeshadow (or powder, bronzer, etc). Lastly, she lifts the coin away and it's all back together exactly how you bought it.  The girl's a genius, let me just say. 

Personally, I've used both these tricks and they have been life savers, so I figured it would be helpful to other people out there as well! 

Hope you enjoyed the post and found it helpful! Have an amazing week! 

Love Always, 
Bree x

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