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Friday, June 19, 2015

Taking Life Head On

Feeling much like a college student, I got home from work very late and had not eaten, so I decided that I would attempt to make pasta sauce with no recipe. I started throwing cheese, butter, milk, flour, and an assortment of spices that I really didn't know what to do with together, and prayed that it would turn out well.  For some reason, I seemed to think this would be easy. 

Although I wish I could tell you that I'm some magical chef from a movie that instantly came up with an amazing cheesy food, the sauce was nothing short of terrible. Way too much garlic. Consistency was like overbeaten mashed potatoes. There really isn't much to say about it except that it was bad. (I did do a great job of boiling noodles though, so I guess I'm not completely hopeless).

But as I was sitting there eating my noodles and awful sauce because I still can hear my mom telling me I can't waste food because kids in other countries are starving, I realized that although I did a bad job, at least I gave it a shot. I tried, and that's all I could have asked of myself.

Moral of that story, no one knows what they're doing. That includes teachers, your parents, your best friend, the old man down the one really knows how they are supposed to get through life. 

I'm always being asked what I want to do. Where am I going to college? Where am I going to live? How much money am I going to make? All those questions one is asked towards the end of high school. Lucky for me, I do have some sort of plan. It's majorly discombobulated, but a plan none the less. 

I'm not saying that having a plan isn't a great thing, but I hear so many people say they just don't know. And in my opinion, that's okay. I don't think we all have to know exactly what we are going to do. I don't think we all have to pick some "impressive" career that will give us all large houses and nice cars. The point is, we just need to be ready and open to whatever comes our way. We need to be ready to throw loads of stuff together and hope it works. Even if it doesn't work, we never really failed because we took a chance. And from all the times we take chances, we learn something new, something to improve upon. 

So to all those new high school students who are scared to death, it's not that bad. To all those new college students that don't know what they want yet, you'll figure it out when you're supposed to. To all those new parents and workers and anyone who just feels lost, you're going to be alright.  And maybe you're reading this saying, "she's too young to know anything," and maybe you think I'm wrong, but I don't think I have to be ninety to see that life works in weird ways, but it always works out for the better. I've never seen things not turn around, and I don't think that I will. 

So I will leave you with this...
Take a deep breath. Take chances. Keep your head up and your smile wide. Be nice. And whatever you do, keep going. 

Enjoy your week!

Love Always, 
Bree x

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