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Friday, December 25, 2015

Back to Blogging

Oh, hi there! Somehow you ended up on my blog, which, may I add, has not been written on in quite a bit. But whether you are new around here or you have checked back to see if I am ever going to write another post, welcome to the new, and hopefully improved, Beauty with Bree blog. I plan on making this a little more picture friendly, include more how-to's when it comes to beauty, and all-around be a much more fun place to come and read.

So why was I gone so long? 

Well, there's a whole lot of reasons, most of it having to do with my constant business lately.  Senior year is a lot to juggle with senior class officers, student council, NHS, cheer captain, college applications... Which, come to think of it, you probably don't want to hear about all that much.  I apologize. Basically, I have been living at school when I'm not at work or home, and I can't do it all. So since most of those things had to be done in order for my world to keep revolving, I had to take a a break on here, which was upsetting for me since I love my blog and readers very much. 

Nevertheless, I'm back!

You may have noticed the new picture at the top of my blog which is one of my senior pictures and was taken by the lovely Cocolaine Photography. (If you don't have your senior picture photographer planned out, I really recommend her!!). I also added a new backdrop which is so much better than those weird birds, right?  I would've gotten rid of them sooner but as a new-bee, I wasn't all that sure what I was doing.  This fits much, much better.

Hopefully you're just as excited as I am about everything coming soon to my blog. Check back! Thank you for reading and happy holidays!

Love Always, 
Bree x

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