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Sunday, February 8, 2015

How to Fight the Dry Winter Skin

As I live in Ohio, winter is very cold (much to my dismay).  This means I must break out my giant coat and boots to keep warm no matter where I am.  There's no way of escaping the cold, because even my house can't seem to warm itself enough.  It gets to be below zero degrees, and that's just the typical winter for me. 

But whether you enjoy the freezing cold and white blanket of snow covering everything in sight or not, it can become
hard to keep your skin hydrated.  

If you've been around me the past week or so, you may have noticed I've been a little more shy, trying to hide my face.  Unfortunately, the cold got to me.  My face got red and it felt as if it was burning whenever I tried to properly take care of it.  The biggest problem was that I couldn't cover it up.  Dry skin is hard to mask because makeup sinks into the cracks in dry skin and it doesn't help much, if at all.  

So if this is you, I'm here to help! 

The first thing I did during this facial crisis was drink water.  And not just drink a cup here and there.  I was drinking at least 8 cups (which is what you should be drinking anyways, but I'm right there with you if you don't either) if not more.  Skin reflects what is going on inside you and dry skin is no exception.  Dry skin means your body is not properly hydrated, so drink up!  Green tea is also great in addition to water.  I drank a cup a day and it helped to both heal my skin and relax me.  Less stress = better skin!

Second, as soon as I got home from school, I got off all the makeup off my face and gently washed it.  I understand it hurts but it's important to keep it as clean as you can.  Make sure not to use anything drying. 

Third, I used a ton of lotion. Moisturizing is the key to healing your skin.  Every time I washed it, I'd immediately put lotion over top.  I do moisturize twice a day regularly, but when my skin is dry, I cake it on as well as applying it at least four times instead of two. 

Fourth, scarves. It's already cold out, so break out the scarves!  It protected my face from the freezing air when I walked outside and it really does make a difference. 

I promise if you do these four tips, it should heal within a few days to a week. If it does not, please go to your dermatologist so they can prescribe a medication to heal your skin.  

I hope this helps! Have a great week & stay warm! 

Love Always, 
Bree x

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